One of the most significant ways that members of our church continue the ministry of Jesus is through pastoral care - helping others. We are blessed to have a variety of ministries that are active in prayer, service and supporting our beautiful Masses.
Interested in joining one of these ministries? Contact the parish office to learn how.
Our Rosary Cell is affiliated with the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, an Apostolate of the Diocese of Gary. Our weekly Prayer Cell is for everyone of all ages. As our Cell prepares to pray, we offer our own personal petitions. By participating in a Rosary Cell, Our Heavenly Mother has promised many blessings, graces and indulgences. Undoubtedly our parish has received many blessings and graces by the intercession of our Rosary Cell.
Please come and join us after the 10:30 AM Sunday Mass at the Parish Center Chapel. You will feel comforted by Mary's promise.
The Hope ministry of St. Matthias church is a service offered to those of our community who are suffering from the grief of a friend or family member who is deceased. This ministry offers individual counseling by appointment and group counseling which is done in a safe and confidential environment. The purpose of this ministry is to help the bereaved understand and process the pain and confusion that grief can create and support for them while they are on this difficult journey of healing.
The Ministers of Care of St. Matthias is a group of dedicated individuals that visit our homebound parishioners each Sunday with the purpose of bringing Communion to their residence. The visit from our ministers offers our parishioner a way to stay connected with their church and be spiritually nourished by continuing to be able to receive the Body of Christ. During this visit a short communion service is offered along with the reception of the Holy Eucharist and fellowship.
Offering Mass at local nursing homes and bringing the Eucharist weekly. This ministry supports mass at Wittenberg Lutheran Village Ministry each third Thursday of every month and at Symphony on the first Thursday of each month.
Choir: He who sings prays twice. The Saint Matthias Choir aims to assist in a deeper and richer expression of prayer through music. All talent levels are welcomed and encouraged to join us in this special ministry. We meet every Wednesday at 6-7pm for rehearsal.
Altar Servers: Altar Servers assist the Priest at the Altar by setting the Altar, holding books, carrying the Cross or lanterns, ringing the bells, or carrying items needed at special Masses. At St. Matthias we also have Adult Altar Servers who assist at morning Masses and also at some of the weekend Masses. Altar Servers must have received their First Communion before assisting in this ministry.
Lectors: This ministry may also be called the Minister of the Word. The lector may proclaim the first reading, the second reading and/or the intercessions and the Responsorial Psalm at the 7pm Mass. A lector will need to have received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation before beginning this ministry and be in good standing in the faith.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist with the distribution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. A person in this ministry will need to have received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation before beginning.
Ushers: Ushers are called to be friendly people who welcome all who enter the church building. They are to help make people feel welcomed, wanted, valued and special. Ushers arrive 15 minutes before Mass to open doors for people, assist people to a seat, distribute the weekly and special bulletins before and after Mass, select those who are to carry the gifts to the Altar, take up the collection, take a few minutes after Mass to check for items that might be left behind and collect bulletins left in the pews and accommodate those with special needs. A person in this ministry will need to be over the age of 16 years, have received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation before beginning.
Sacristans: Sacristans are members of the parish who help take care of the sacristy and sanctuary before and after Mass. They set-up the sacred vessels, books and other items needed for each Mass. They arrive at least 30 minutes before the Mass begins to unlock doors and turn on the lights. Although most of the work of the sacristan is unseen it is crucial for good liturgy. A person in this ministry will need to be over the age of 16 years, have received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation before beginning.
Art & Environment: The Art and Environment Committee plans and decorates the sanctuary to draw us closer to the Lord through the beauty of flowers, fabrics, and liturgical arrangements.